So, I thought I'd just drop in with a little something to kind of make this all a little more personal.
I'm a social liberal... for the most part. I believe in pro-choice, I support the right for homosexuals to marry, I don't want religion to have any part in government, and I'm for a certain amount of gun control.
I somewhat support legal marijuana, but only to the extent where responsible, educated individuals can enjoy it and believe there should be severe repercussions for those who can't be responsible. No, I do not partake, nor do I wish to.
As far as immigration goes, I personal prefer tighter standards, though I believe that any child born and raised to adulthood in this country should qualify for citizenship.
I'm a mixed bag on the death penalty. While I understand that keeping these people alive is a drain on our economy, I also don't approve of unnecessary death. Killing in self defense is acceptable, to me. Killing a prisoner... It's just difficult to justify. It's not because of sympathy, either. It's just a moral qualm. Don't get me wrong, though, I understand that there are some people who are beyond redemption and... well, perhaps it's better for all of us if they no longer waste our resources.
I flat out support embryonic stem cell research.
Euthanasia & Physician-assisted suicide... That's a rough one, because I believe that people should have the right do with their lives as they wish. Ending it should be one of those rights. However... there are some people who make hasty decisions when depressed, in pain, and so very sick. I also worry about coercion from any side.
Health care is an issue I don't think I'm qualified to express my opinion on, to an extent. I do support it, in theory, but I don't think people should be forced to opt into it. Also, we could be using our tax money on... a billion other things.
Oh, and taxes! Raise'em. Cut the Bush tax cuts for the rich. This shit is ridiculous.
Climate? Global warming? Uh, well, see... um... 'bout that... *Has not done nearly enough research! LEAVE HIM ALONE!*
I believe that covers most of the topics I actually feel one way or the other about. If there's anything else, just ask. I'm very open for discussion!